Five Star WOmen
Five Star Women have done the following since August 1st of last year:
Pledge to Missions: I gave the amount I pledged or more in my UWF circle or unit to be used as undesignated giving to mission work through United Women in Faith.
Special Mission Recognition: I gave money toward an undesignated gift for mission work through UWF in honor of a recipient who was given a Special Mission Recognition Certificate and UWF pin. (Basic gift is $40 and can be shared by more than one purchaser)
Gift to Mission: Theme greeting card(s) were purchased for $5 to recognize a special event in the honoree's life.
Gift in Memory-: I honored a special friend or family member with a card and a dollar amount for mission work. I filled in and sent the card to the family of the deceased and turned in the money to my UWF circle/unit treasurer.
World Thank Offering: I shared a portion of God's blessing with others by turning in my Thank Offering by November of last year.
2022 UWF Five Star Women
Dr. D.J. Johnson
Joan Roberts-Scott
Sandy Wilder